Updated Articles

  1. Personal Leave of Absence (PLA)

    Please remember that Personal Leaves are never guaranteed and are subject to operational needs and your individual record Please be sure you are following the normal call out procedure to Crew Scheduling immediately whenever you are unable to report...
  2. Emergency Drop (EMR)

    Flight Attendants should follow the normal call out procedure to Crew Scheduling immediately whenever you are unable to report for duty. We always recommend that you attempt to drop/trade trips via Flica to avoid needing to apply for an EMR. An...
  3. Bereavement/Funeral Leave Paid and Unpaid (FNR/UFN)

    Flight Attendants should follow normal call out procedures to Crew Scheduling immediately when unable to report for duty. Please follow up with Inflight Dependability by submitting your bereavement requests within 24 hours of the start of your ...
  4. Commuter (CMT) Clause Requests

    Flight Attendants should report their Commuter Clause requests within 24 hours of missed assignment's start through the appropriate channel to Inflight Dependability to avoid denial for an untimely request. Be sure to give Crew Scheduling the m...
  5. Commuter (CMT) Registration

    The Company recognizes Flight Attendant's desire to live in locations other than their base. The company's Commuter Policy is intended to protect registered Flight Attendant Commuters (FACs) from a dependability infraction when unable to report for ...
  6. Updating and Adding Additional Phone Numbers

    Whenever Flight Attendants need to update the contact phone number or add additional back up numbers for Crew Scheduling to contact, Flight Attendants need to call Crew Scheduling to advise of any updated number. Updating UltiPro is always grea...
  7. Unable to Contact (UTC)

    Whenever Crew Scheduling (CS) calls for an assignment, per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) we are to call Crew Scheduling back within 15 min of the initial call. The Collective Bargaining Agreement Sick Leave article advises on minimum hol...
  8. Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the Employee Handbook (EH)

    Whenever information is covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the Employee Handbook (EH), sometimes the information may contradict. In those events, the CBA will supersede the EH. When in doubt, please contact your base leade...
  9. Lost, Stolen or Forgotten Badge Process

    In the event you forget, lose or if your badge is stolen, first call Crew Scheduling immediately, as outlined in Flight Attendant Manual (FAM) 20.05 Pg 2. Crew Scheduling will notify Inflight and the station of your situation and coordinate eff...
  10. Late Reports or Tardies (TDYs/TDFs)

    Whenever you are going to be late or miss any assignment, including Training, please be sure you always call CS first. Even if there is a hold time, please call CS and hold the line or until they call you. Then disconnect the call and answer their c...