ATL Crew Room

Crew Room Phone Number: (470) 344-0353 

The Crew Room Is located in Concourse E between gates 41 and 42. Just after the  restrooms on the left side, are the entry doors to the elevators. You will use the silver cipher lock. The code is 2021#. 

Once downstairs, turn right out of the elevator and turn left down the hall - the 1st door on the left is the Inflight office and computer room, the access code is 0317#.

Once you are back in the hallway, the second door is the crew lounge. This door is going to remain closed. The access code is 1220#.

These codes are  only to be shared with Frontier Employees with CREW on their ID badge. The purpose of this room is to provide stowage of your crew bags when visiting the Crew Room and/or to stow bags in between flights and cancelations without having to carry them down the stairs. Bags may not be left in there overnight.

As a reminder, residing or the appearance of living in the crew room/sleep room overnight or for extended periods of time is not permitted.