Inflight Experience Video - March 15, 2024

Gilles: "Hello Team Inflight, hope you’re all doing well! I am extremely excited today to share some time with Anthony Iorio, our Onboard Retail Manager. We're here to open up a very important conversation on a topic that you all care about and that is directly impacting our you, our customer experience and our overall business. As you all know, our catering operation has undergone some challenges driven by many factors, that we are currently addressing with our partner Retail in Motion. We are planning to improve the reliability and accountability of our partner to deliver the equipment and products you need for your onboard service. As we deep dive into our catering data to monitor stock level, we are facing unprecedented levels of products that disappear from our onboard stock. We know These issues touch every part of our operation, from our flight attendants to our pilots, mechanics, and ground staff. But it’s not just a challenge; it’s an opportunity for us to come together, to innovate, and to strengthen our commitment to our program. I want to help you all get the sales and tip revenue you deserve by working to create an onboard retail program we can all be proud! Anthony will share more on this, including our strategies and how each of you plays a critical part in our path forward. Over to you Anthony!"

Anthony: "Thanks, Gilles! Hey, everybody! Nice to see you again.

I know it's been a little while since we've made a video about Catering, but I want to take a moment to bring you up to speed on everything going on lately, both good and bad.

First off, I want to thank all of you who continue to submit reports and feedback about your Catering experiences onboard. I know it gets tiring when you have to report the same old issues over and over again, but your persistence really does count - every time you do, you give us another data point that we can use to drive real improvements with our catering partners. Thank you!

Maybe you also noticed that we recently updated our seal standards for the first time in a long while. Yellow seals are our new security seals, and black ones are for sealing the carts whenever you leave the aircraft, and during international turns. I also realize that recently, a large amount of your flights probably haven't had seals. We apologize for this - we're working hard with the kitchens to make sure this doesn't happen anymore, and I am hopeful you're already starting to see that things are returning to normal again (and your flights are well-stocked with seals once more).

I also want to speak frankly about a significant challenge that we're facing, as we need your help to fix it. Right now, our waste - or product loss levels - are at historic highs. So much product is being lost! We look at the data for all our flights and we are aware of the many factors driving this - lack of seals, product being comped to customers, incorrect or incomplete checkouts, and staff consumption. Regardless of the reason, we really need your help to control this.

When our waste gets too high, it means that instead of having the sales revenue to reinvest in programs for our FAs (like the Bestseller Program), we end up having to pay to replace the missing product. It's not a good thing for our company, or our crewmembers. In light of this, we really ask that everyone remain especially diligent in safeguarding our products onboard, and making sure that they are used appropriately. We can't let the animals on our tails nibble away the goods...they are there for our customers, who are depending on us! 

Last but not least, we will be working with our partners to make some changes that we believe will be helpful to your overall experience onboard. As previously announced, we will be rolling out our new condiment caddies starting on 3/X! These exciting new service implements will help make it easier to organize the cart topper, and get the condiments out of the disposable cups that they are stored in presently. Please do not remove these items from the non-exchange position so we can make sure they're available for all FAs.

We will also be instructing our catering agents to begin removing excess product from the half carts stored in the aft galley. This is an important step that will not only help us ensure that the correct weight and balance protocols are followed, but also ensure that our guests are able to purchase the products they want by making sure that they are located in the right places. Once they finish, they will lock the half carts to prevent future improper usage. We kindly ask that you please refrain from interrupting the caterers as they complete this important work...these positions were never intended to store any catering products, so it's important that we reclaim the products being stored there as quickly as possible. When they're done, they'll attach a tamper-resistant sticker over the door seam, which is temporary until the cart is fully locked. In the meantime, please don't peel off or remove that sticker, and don't place any personal or service items inside the half carts.

As always, thank you for your partnership, and for taking great care of our guests. I know you are out on the front lines every day, and we are extremely grateful for your feedback, and dedicated efforts! I hope to see you around the system, and also speak with you at our upcoming Catering Town Hall Event!"

[Gilles and Anthony Close Together]

Gilles: "Thank you, Anthony, for that insightful update. It is clear we are facing some important challenges, but I am excited that we all can play a role fix it together! With your engagement and feedback, I believe we can transform our service challenges into victories for you, our team, and our our customers. I cannot wait to see you all join the upcoming Catering Town Hall. It will be a crucial moment for us to share, learn, and grow together as a team. The date will be announced shortly, and we’re excited to see as many of you there as possible."

Anthony: "Absolutely, Gilles. And to everyone watching, remember, your individual contributions make all the difference. Every report, every piece of feedback, helps us move one step closer to the exceptional service we’re known for. Let’s all commit to making our Inflight experience the best it can be, for you and our customers."

Gilles: "Indeed. I am so glad that Together, we’re not just solving problems; we’re setting new standards of Inflight excellence. Thank you for joining us today, and more importantly, thank you for your unwavering commitment to Frontier Airlines. Let’s continue to soar higher, together."