Late Reports or Tardies (TDYs/TDFs)

Whenever you are going to be late or miss any assignment, including Training, please be sure you always call CS first. Even if there is a hold time, please call CS and hold the line or until they call you. Then disconnect the call and answer their call to you. 

With late reports or Tardies (TDYs), it is important that you are in position and checking in (CKI) on time before your report, even for DH and offline DH flights. Per FAM 55.10. pg 2, we must report 1 hour or 60 minutes prior to departure (or 1 minute prior to report time). That means we must already be CKI’d in Crew Web by Report time in your schedule.

At report time, Crew Web will not allow you to CKI and force you to call CS to CKI and count as a late CKI/report. When applicable, if commuting in early for your report, please be sure to build in sufficient time to get to your gate or from one terminal to another. Always set a reminder to CKI for your assignment to avoid missing your report time.

It is easy for pax and crew to inadvertently distract us when reporting, so that reminder will help you stay on track. We recommend that whenever you check in for an assignment on Crew Web, check in and then go back in again to check in again, to verify that the system shows you already checked in.

It is also a good idea to always add time for contingencies entering the airport. Allowing time for traffic (when applicable), finding parking (when applicable), lines at KCM, random screenings and full/slow airport trains. If you are having technical issues, please be sure you are budgeting time to contact IT to address those IT issues in advance of report time or if needed, going to the crew room to check in manually prior to your report time per FAM 55.10 pages 2- 4. 

Whenever you are going to be late or believe you could be late, always contact CS to notify them of your possibility of being late and ETA per the Employee Handbook (EH) section 5 pages 42-45. Preserve the record in the event you are unable to report and avoid a No Call No Show (NSO). Also remember that per CBA 4.D.1.a.i, if we report <15 min after report, we will remain on the assignment. However, if we report >15 min after report, CS may remove us from the assignment and mark us a NSO. If you call CS, not your base or other department, and inform CS of the possibility of a late report, that could preserve the record to potentially reduce the NSO to a Late Sick (LSC).

Always remember that pre-boarders are a convenience but may not be available to stand in for you, so always plan for contingencies whenever reporting late for duty. When calling CS, they cannot see how long you have been holding, they can only see the time when they are speaking with you.

Please exercise patience and decorum as outlined in the EH section 4, Standards of Conduct, especially on a recorded line.