Sick, Late or Unprepared for RGS?

  • If a Flight Attendant is unable to attend RGS, it is responsibility of the Flight Attendant for calling Crew Scheduling and Inflight Training.
  • Class begins at 0800.  Flight Attendants arriving nine (9) minutes or less past 0800 will be allowed to complete training and the tardy will be documented, regarding tardy or dismissal. Flight Attendants who arrive to class 10 or more minutes late will not be allowed to complete training. Inflight management will be notified and follow up with the Flight Attendant.  Please don’t be late.
  • A current Flight Attendant Manual (FAM) and FlyTab is required for class.  Failure to bring a current FAM to class may result in removal from class.
  • To provide a productive learning environment, all cell phones must be turned off in the classroom.
  • Out of training base Flight Attendants who are dismissed from RGS will be provided with transportation back to the hotel.
  • Your Recurrent Ground School Exam (RGS) needs to be completed no later than 48 hours prior to attending class, failure to complete the exam will result in dismissal from class.