Jury Duty/JUR

Please be sure you send your Jury Summons upon receipt. Courts send the summons well in advance so that your employer can accommodate your service ahead of time. Waiting until the reporting day or a few days before Jur reporting day is prohibited per the Employee Handbook and may result in discipline under Performance.

Always immediately send your summons to Inflight Dependability upon receipt. Once Inflight Dependability has a clear copy of the Summons, Inflight Dependability will recode the trip/assignment for your Jury Service reporting day to JUR and if you are selected to serve additional days, please let us know when you are directed to/scheduled to appear in advance.

If it is a Friday evening, if you must appear on Monday, you may follow the normal call-off procedure for that assignment. At the end of your Jury Service, you will receive a summary of the days you appear with your Jury compensation to corroborate the dates you served. 

Typically, the court will tell you to appear on the specific date and time to report and keep in mind, it is not always the next day due to Judge/Attorney/Witness availability. If you are to appear on a scheduled duty day, let Inflight Dependability know in advance, we can recode the duty day to JUR.

If you are asked late in the evening for the next morning or on a Friday evening to appear early on Monday, you may call out to Crew Scheduling in advance to remove you from Reserve and follow up with Inflight Dependability after calling.

Enjoy your civic duty! It can be a good and enriching life experience.