Passport - Renewal Procedures

Passport - Renewal

A Flight Attendant who needs to renew or replace their passport must follow these steps: 

  1. Contact your Base Leadership team and inform them of your intent to renew your passport so they can provide you with the Expedited Passport Processing Letter.
  • Important: In exchange for the Expedited Passport Processing Letter, you will be immediately placed on the Restricted Cities List, which will require you to drop/trade any upcoming international assignments until your new passport has been received and updated in Frontier’s system. If you have upcoming international assignments that you would rather complete before starting the passport renewal process, you must wait until the completion of those international trip(s) before obtaining the Expedited Passport Processing Letter.

  1. Once you accept the Expedited Passport Processing Letter from your Base Leader, you will be placed on the Restricted Cities List.
  • Important: The Restricted Cities List prevents unplanned international flying such as reserve assignments or last-minute reroutes, but it does not remove any existing international flying from your schedule, nor does it prevent you from being awarded international trips during the bidding process. It is your responsibility to trade/drop any upcoming international trips; or, if between bid periods, you must bid for domestic-only flying until your new passport has been received and updated in Frontier’s system.

  1. While you are on the Restricted Cities List, it is your responsibility to manage your schedule by trading/dropping any upcoming international trips and bidding for domestic-only flying. If you are unsuccessful in trading/dropping international trips, Crew Scheduling will remove the trip(s) within 24 hours of the trip report time using the Not Legal (N/L) absence code.     
  •  Important: Depending on the nature of your international trip, Crew Scheduling may only remove the international segments within your trip OR may remove the entire trip using the Not Legal (N/L) absence code. The N/L absence code carries no Dependability points and no credit value. International flight segments or trips that you are unable to operate while on the Restricted Cities List will not be pay-protected.
  1. Carefully follow the steps outlined by the U.S. Department of State for mailing in your old passport:

  1. Once you receive your new passport, you must promptly email a picture of the photo page to
  • Please allow two (2) business days for Inflight Admin to process your new passport and remove you from the Restricted Cities List.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure your passport is signed when you send the picture to Inflight Admin. Passports are only considered valid if signed. See examples below:

Passport Renewal Helpful Reminders

  • When it comes to renewing or replacing your passport, communication is KEY! Please keep your Base Leaders updated throughout the process.
  • It is very important to closely manage your schedule while in the process of renewing or replacing your passport. Please keep a close eye on your trips, and promptly drop/trade any international assignments to prevent operational impact.
  • Frontier Airlines does not cover the cost of expedited passport processing; however, all Frontier employees receive a FedEx Discount for shipping. This discount can be found in the My Discounts tab on 

NOTE: If you need a new passport due to a name change, please contact