Inflight Experience Video - August 16, 2024

Hello Team Inflight!

I hope this message finds you well and that you are keeping safe, wherever you are!

I wanted to take a moment to address several crucial aspects of our operations that affect us all—on-time performance, union negotiations, catering operations, in-flight service, and our overall business model.

On-Time Performance

First, let's talk about our on-time performance, which, as we know, is crucial to the success of our company.

I want to start by thanking our entire Flight Attendant community as you have been instrumental in helping our operation run smoothly and helping us get the operation back on track when needed!

I know a lot of you have told me you feel we only ask flight attendants to be on time, but I can assure you that every department here at Frontier is committed to delivering a safe and on-time operation.

Our operational frontlines—flight attendants, pilots, ACS, maintenance teams—all play essential roles in the very complex world of airline operation.

Every single group has a role to play, and we must play our parts to ensure we act on what is within our control and keep a focus on our scheduled departure times for every single one of our flights.

As we regularly communicated, when a flight is delayed, we focus on “Quick Turn” our aircraft and give back some minutes in the system.

A few minutes might not seem like a lot to you, but in the bigger picture, this could prevent a later flight from being delayed or canceled.

I recognize that these efforts can sometimes feel like a heavy burden, especially when delays occur beyond your control.

Please know that your dedication does not go unnoticed and is truly appreciated.

I have spent some time at our new GLF facility in Denver, which is a tremendous change in how we operate and is fundamental to helping us reduce the time our aircraft spend on the ground.

I have witnessed it myself—this truly cuts in half our boarding and disembarkation times.

I also want to be transparent that we have identified several areas of improvement, such as putting our stairs in a more coordinated way and adding additional bathroom space.

But I can guarantee you that our ACS team is laser-focused on ensuring we improve the choreography that needs to happen during these turns.

We have already seen drastic improvements since our first day of operation.

So, continue to play your part everywhere around the network—make your regular PAs and be proactive in the cabin to help our customers find their seats quickly.

And, of course, we always do it with a smile for every customer!

Once again, THANK YOU!

Union Negotiations

I am pleased to share that our negotiations are continuing to run smoothly with your union representatives, and we continue to work together to address issues that are important to you, as we strive to reach agreements that are fair and beneficial for everyone involved.

Despite the union having called for a vote to strike despite the parties still conducting direct negotiations as we previously explained to the flight attendant group, we are committed to working through the normal process of union negotiation.

I want to make it clear that despite our repeated requests, your union still has not presented the company with any impact article proposals for us to evaluate.

I know a lot of our flight attendants have not gone through a union contract negotiation before, and so I would urge you to inform yourselves accordingly on the process of how a contract is negotiated.

This is a very regulated process as defined by the Railway Labor Act. So please be mindful of misinformation that might be communicated through social media.

Our aim is to achieve outcomes that benefit all of us and ensure the continued success of Frontier Airlines.

We are also working with your union outside of our contract negotiations to address topics that will be beneficial to both our flight attendant group and our ongoing operation.

These meetings are extremely helpful to make sure we continue working together in full partnership. We appreciate the collaboration with your union representatives.

Catering Operations

So now, let's talk about catering—a subject I know you're passionate about, as it is a core element of being a flight attendant!

As we communicated, we are committed to finding ways to continue improving our onboard service, and I personally believe we have a lot of room to grow to get better products that our customers will want to buy!

Anthony Iorio, our Manager of Onboard Retail and Catering Operations, and I went to a conference where we were blown away by the innovations available, with tons of delicious food and snack options for our customers.

But I also want us to be honest—we all need to play our part in reducing wastage on board the aircraft, and this is not just for our flight attendant community.

Wastage includes any product given for free or taken from the bar without being input into the system, or taken by other personnel outside of our aircraft.

And I know this has been a recent topic of conversation online, where we have seen very negative comments justifying and encouraging theft of products, which include products taken off the aircraft.

I want to remind you that we are closely auditing and monitoring our stock levels across the entire process—from kitchens, to trucks, to airplanes—to ensure we can have a successful program and for us to improve our future onboard service.

I also think a lot of our flight attendants do not understand that the stock of products does not belong to Frontier but is provided by our Partner, Retail in Motion, for us to sell onboard our aircraft.

So let's all play our part to get back on track, so we can invest in providing you with a service you can be proud of!

We are also working currently with our station to address rising reports of ice availability and provide you with the tools you need to deliver a great service.

Please continue to report, as it will make a difference!

We will also be opening Cleveland and San Juan as catering stations very soon!

In-Flight Service and New PA Announcements

In the next few days, we will release videos about our catering operation, which include some insights into why we changed our onboard sales PAs.

I think we need to re-center our expectations about our role as flight attendants, as we are seeing some pushback.

The primary role of being a flight attendant is, of course, safety; however, a central core of being a flight attendant is our passion to deliver exceptional service, which includes onboard sales, which again is a crucial proposition of being a low-cost airline.

This is something every single one of us said during our interviews, and I want to make sure we continue to live up to the promise we made to ourselves to deliver on this service.

As flight attendants, we are not introverts—we love meeting people, at 5 a.m. or 10 p.m. after a long day!

Customers expect us to deliver a great service, and we can truly differentiate ourselves by offering an engaging service, connecting with our customers during this very important part of our onboard experience.

As a reminder, we must go through the cabin with our carts and offer the products they would like to purchase.

Our announcements reflect this approach—to present products and ignite a purchase desire from our customers.

When service is delivered with a smile and a genuine personal touch, it truly makes a difference.

I have seen some comments online that no other airlines do these PAs, which is true for legacy carriers, but once again, we are not a legacy carrier and are proud of offering a service that is personal and more varied.

If you ask me, pretzels and Biscoffs are truly boring!

We will put together a catering focus group where we will work together on making these PAs even better, with your input, and differentiate ourselves in a positive way!

Social Media Policy

As anyone knows, I love social media! As human beings, this has brought us closer together and enabled us to view content that we never had access to, and it truly keeps us entertained.

But there's a true dark side to it too, where negativity and bullying are allowed to foster.

I encourage you all to refamiliarize yourselves with our social media policy and be part of the solution in breaking these negative cycles.

As a company, we are often made aware of conversations. Remember, everything you post online will continue to live on, even when deleted.

We will not tolerate any bullying or threats made to our employees, and I want to make sure you protect yourselves and become part of the solution to create a positive culture.

Embracing Change

Finally, I want to re-center the expectations of our community on who we are as an airline.

Many of our flight attendants do not fully understand the business model of an ultra-low-cost airline

The changes we have made are already making a significant impact on how we operate and our ability to recover our operations in times of disruption.

For example, the recent Microsoft outage enabled our airline to recover faster than any other airline.

We are also managing weather events in a more efficient way, and summer 2025 is nowhere short of significant weather events.

I know change is never easy, but airlines change all the time—this is a fundamental need to respond to ever-changing customer needs and respond to competitors.

I want you to understand that every single one of us helps shape the future of the airline, and your efforts matter.

I see it every time I fly or meet you at the aircraft.

Let’s continue to work together, understanding that each one of us plays a vital part in maintaining our reputation for dependable service.

Your commitment to being on time, every single day, every single flight, is invaluable to our success.

Let’s reconnect with our passion for delivering service, be kind to one another, while ensuring that we provide safe, on-time, and friendly service to all our passengers.

Thank you, and let's continue to make Frontier the airline we can all be proud of.