FlyTab Insurance
Safeware insurance is offered for the FlyTab. The annual enrollment portal opens on June 15, 2023 for registration, and the insurance will be effective July 1, 2023. If your device is lost, stolen or damaged, you may be liable for the replacement co...
FlyTab Tips, Tricks and FAQ
Advanced Card Readers - The next-gen FlyTabs support a variety of different ways to pay. On the Credit Card screen in vPOS, add the credit card information by one of the following methods:
Contactless (payWave)- Tap the card on ...
FlyTab Setup Procedures
Instructions on how to setup the FlyTab are as follows:
Power on the FlyTab
Connect to Wi-Fi
From home screen select the Settings icon.
Select Wi-Fi .
If the Wi-Fi setting is Off , slide the button to the rig...
FlyTab Wi-Fi Tips & Tricks
A few FlyTab Wi-Fi tips and tricks for a smooth setup. To connect to Wi-Fi:
From home screen select the Settings icon.
Select Wi-Fi .
If the Wi-Fi setting is Off , slide the button to the right until On displays.
Select ...
422 Wi-Fi Connection
Click on the link for a tutorial video on setting up the 422 Wi-Fi connection or follow the steps below.
1. Make sure the Connect to 422 icon is on FlyTab. If not, you will need to connect to a Wi-Fi network (not 422) and update the FlyTab....
FlyTab External Storage Update
The external storage updated is necessary for back-up FAM PDF to be accessible via the vFileBrowser icon. Click on the video link and follow the steps in the video to complete the external storage update. Manage External Storage Permission.mp4
Back up Flight Attendant Manual (FAM) - vFileBrowser
The vFileBrowser houses a PDF version of the Flight Attendant Manual (FAM). This is the backup for when DocuNet is not accessible/working and should NOT be the primary point of access to the FAM.
If your vFileBrowser is not updating to the new ...